Dolly Manghat has been demystifying holistic sciences including astrology, numerology since 1980; empowering people to build their own lives of health, wealth, and happiness instead of simply believing and living a fated life.
Using her contemporary and unique life coaching methodology and systems, she has helped thousands develop their potential and talents. These include global business leaders, superstar art performers, professionals, and individuals to shape their lives meaningfully.
She strikes a perfect balance of both science and common Sense i.e., mind over matter and hence helps people create their own prophecies rather than live predictions. Dolly has been recognized as a world-renowned speaker by the University of Minneapolis USA. She lectures and counsels people world over through her workshops, consultations, and online sessions.
She has won prestigious awards and citations from global institutions – Astrologer of the Millennium award by the Institute of Success Awareness, Mother Teresa Award, Dr. M.G.R. National Award; just to name a few. Through her YouTube channel (with over 2000 videos and 150K subscribers till date and growing…) she provides guidance people at large on how to navigate their life successfully. Amidst changing lifestyles, socio-economic circumstances and stress related issues faced by all of us today, she advises practical guidance and solutions to overcome adversities and progress confidently in life.
Wife to an Army officer, she is a loving mother and Grandmother. Besides her Work she is a keen Golfer and a traveler across the world.
In her own words –
“By being present in each moment and exercising our truth we can change our life. When you are aware of your own truth you can reach the right frequency and generate the energy to manifest your desires. Accepting the moment in all its entirety eliminates suffering. Suffering is often the creation of your mind while the pain only reminds you of your mortality.”
Great fear comes from lack of self knowledge it’s important to CASH in on your abilities
C = Consciousness (Self awareness)
A = Attitude
S = Skills
H = Habits
Control the choices you make and your responses. By practice, she has broken the conventional barriers in all fields of life.
She constantly and intensively works towards realizing the potentials within. Harnessing your talents and bringing out the best in an individual. Thus gaining Health, Wealth, and Happiness.
G = God
G = Given
E = Equipment
“The most important factor in shaping life on our planet is the individual. ‘I’ am for the individual, because in each and every one of us shines a living star. The light of consciousness lies within. Control the choice you make and the responses you take.”